Global group management

This is a list of all global user groups configured on this wiki farm, with their associated user access rights and wikisets. Users with the permissions may delete a group by removing all rights from it.

Abuse filter helpers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
Abuse filter maintainers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify)
  • Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked (abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify-global)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
API high limit requestors
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
CAPTCHA exemptions
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
Temporary account IP viewers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Merge their account (centralauth-merge)
  • naane tʋmtʋmd kõnte kada (createaccount)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (edit)
  • Bypass global IP blocks (globalblock-exempt)
  • Bõn-kaoodã sẽn pa tar pãng (ipblock-exempt)
  • Sõng-y tɩ y gʋls-yã (minoredit)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (purge)
  • Sõng-y n karem-y-yã (read)
  • Sẽn sɩng-a n maand seb-kãngã, a kɩtame tɩ b lebg n lebg n lebg tɩ yɩ sõma (rollback)
  • Send email to other users (sendemail)
  • Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension (sfsblock-bypass)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes (torunblocked)
  • Ges-y sɛb nins b sẽn pa gesã (unwatchedpages)
  • Ningi fisiye (upload)
  • View files and pages in the Fisiye and Fisiye gomde namespaces that are deleted (viewdeletedfile)
  • Ges-y y meng ned sẽn pa mi ned n dat n bãng a sẽn yaa a soaba (bõon-bõoneg, yʋʋr sẽn sɩd be) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • Ges-y y meng gũusgu (viewmywatchlist)
Global bots
(management | list of members)
Set of wikis where this group is active: Opted-out of global bots
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as "checked" (autoreview)
  • B na n gesa-b-la wa tʋʋm sẽn yaa sɩlemd (bot)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Pa tar sõsg sõsg taab sõsg seb-n-taagã pʋgẽ ye (nominornewtalk)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • writeapi (writeapi)
Global deleters
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
Global Flow creators
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Create Structured Discussions boards in any location (flow-create-board)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Yãk- y y sõsdb-rãmbã (move-rootuserpages)
  • Yãk-y sɛb ne b sɛb-bɛɛg-rãmb (move-subpages)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
Global interface editors
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (edit)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editautopatrolprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers" (editautoreviewprotected)
  • Yãk-y seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã (editcontentmodel)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors" (editeditorprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editextendedsemiprotected)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users" (edittrustedprotected)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n tall-y y sõsg n tool-yãkrã (editusercss)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da sak n deeg tɩ y sẽn dat n sõsd ne taabã yaa sõma (edituserjs)
  • Yãk-y taab n tool-y neda (edituserjson)
  • Edit restricted pages (extendedconfirmed)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Yãk-y n toeem koglg sigls la y tik-y sɛb sẽn kogl ne kasɛtã (protect)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
Global IP block exemptions
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Bypass global IP blocks (globalblock-exempt)
  • Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension (sfsblock-bypass)
  • Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes (torunblocked)
Global rollbackers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Auto-review on rollback (autoreviewrestore)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk y sẽn tool-y n na n tool-yã (markbotedits)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Ges-y sẽn pa kaoos wã yel-gɛtã yʋy (patrolmarks)
  • Sẽn sɩng-a n maand seb-kãngã, a kɩtame tɩ b lebg n lebg n lebg tɩ yɩ sõma (rollback)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
Global sysops
(management | list of members)
Set of wikis where this group is active: Opted-out of global sysop wikis
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify)
  • Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked (abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Auto-review on rollback (autoreviewrestore)
  • B gɩdgda wala b gɩdgda neb a taab tɩ b pa maand b sẽn datã ye (block)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n tʋm e-mailã (blockemail)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Forcibly create a local account for a global account (centralauth-createlocal)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Yãk-y n yiis log-rãmb nins sẽn be b sẽn be b zĩigẽ wã (deletelogentry)
  • Yãk-y n da yiis-y seb-n-taag dãmb sẽn yaa toor-toorã ye (deleterevision)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editautopatrolprotected)
  • Yãk-y seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã (editcontentmodel)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n tall-y y sõsg n tool-yãkrã (editusercss)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da sak n deeg tɩ y sẽn dat n sõsd ne taabã yaa sõma (edituserjs)
  • Yãk-y taab n tool-y neda (edituserjson)
  • Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-delete)
  • Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users (flow-edit-post)
  • Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-hide)
  • Sõsg ning sẽn be wiki wã pʋgẽ (import)
  • Bõn-kaoodã sẽn pa tar pãng (ipblock-exempt)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo-view-full)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk y sẽn tool-y n na n tool-yã (markbotedits)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk a taab n tool-yã (mergehistory)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Yãk-y sull seb-n-taar seb-nẽnga (move-categorypages)
  • Yãk- y y sõsdb-rãmbã (move-rootuserpages)
  • Yãk-y sɛb ne b sɛb-bɛɛg-rãmb (move-subpages)
  • Yãk-y ne sɛb-rãmb (movefile)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b pa na n maan bũmb nins sẽn yaa wẽnga ye (override-antispoof)
  • B sẽn maand bũmb ning neb a taabã sẽn maandã, b na n maana woto (patrol)
  • Yãk-y n toeem koglg sigls la y tik-y sɛb sẽn kogl ne kasɛtã (protect)
  • Sõng-y n gʋls-y bũmb nins sẽn be wã (reupload)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (reupload-own)
  • Yãk-y y meng n tool-y neda Yãk a Zeova (reupload-shared)
  • Mark revisions as being "checked" (review)
  • Sẽn sɩng-a n maand seb-kãngã, a kɩtame tɩ b lebg n lebg n lebg tɩ yɩ sõma (rollback)
  • Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension (sfsblock-bypass)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
  • View the disallowed titles list log (titleblacklistlog)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
  • View the list of unreviewed pages (unreviewedpages)
  • Ges-y sɛb nins b sẽn pa gesã (unwatchedpages)
  • Ningi fisiye (upload)
New wikis importers
(management | list of members)
Set of wikis where this group is active: All existing wikis
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Forcibly create a local account for a global account (centralauth-createlocal)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Sõsg ning sẽn be wiki wã pʋgẽ (import)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã (importupload)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Yãk-y sɛb ne b sɛb-bɛɛg-rãmb (move-subpages)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Yãk-y n toeem koglg sigls la y tik-y sɛb sẽn kogl ne kasɛtã (protect)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
Two-factor authentication testers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa mi a meng yell yel-beedã log-n-taagẽ (abusefilter-privatedetails)
  • Ges-y AbuseFilter ned sẽn pa tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã logã (abusefilter-privatedetails-log)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
  • View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses (checkuser-temporary-account-log)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to check the preference (checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • View a log of who has accessed IP information (ipinfo-view-log)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa maand bũmb a to wã logs (suppressionlog)
  • Ges-y sõss nins sẽn pa be ned ning fãa nengẽ (viewsuppressed)
Recursive export
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Sõng-y n ges-y b sẽn dat n maan bũmb ning sẽn yaa sõma to-to wã. (override-export-depth)
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Yãk-y n ning y sõssã b sẽn gʋlsã (abusefilter-hide-log)
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify-global)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa mi a meng yell yel-beedã log-n-taagẽ (abusefilter-privatedetails)
  • Ges-y AbuseFilter ned sẽn pa tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã logã (abusefilter-privatedetails-log)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yood-y n wilg y sẽn maan-b to-to (abusefilter-revert)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins sẽn tar tar tar-b sɛb wʋsg (bigdelete)
  • B gɩdgda wala b gɩdgda neb a taab tɩ b pa maand b sẽn datã ye (block)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n tʋm e-mailã (blockemail)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Merge their account (centralauth-merge)
  • Unmerge global account (centralauth-unmerge)
  • Manage central notices (centralnotice-admin)
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
  • View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses (checkuser-temporary-account-log)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to check the preference (checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Yãk-y n yiis log-rãmb nins sẽn be b sẽn be b zĩigẽ wã (deletelogentry)
  • Yãk-y n da yiis-y seb-n-taag dãmb sẽn yaa toor-toorã ye (deleterevision)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (edit)
  • Yãk-y seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã (editcontentmodel)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n tall-y y sõsg n tool-yãkrã (editusercss)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da sak n deeg tɩ y sẽn dat n sõsd ne taabã yaa sõma (edituserjs)
  • Yãk-y taab n tool-y neda (edituserjson)
  • Edit restricted pages (extendedconfirmed)
  • Create Structured Discussions boards in any location (flow-create-board)
  • Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-delete)
  • Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users (flow-edit-post)
  • Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-hide)
  • Suppress Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-suppress)
  • gadgets-definition-edit (gadgets-definition-edit)
  • gadgets-edit (gadgets-edit)
  • Bypass global IP blocks (globalblock-exempt)
  • Disable global blocks locally (globalblock-whitelist)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n kɩt tɩ ned bãng a yʋʋrã, b sẽn pa tõe tɩ b bãng-a wã (hideuser)
  • Sõsg ning sẽn be wiki wã pʋgẽ (import)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã (importupload)
  • Bõn-kaoodã sẽn pa tar pãng (ipblock-exempt)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo-view-full)
  • View a log of who has accessed IP information (ipinfo-view-log)
  • Manage the list of mentors (managementors)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Yãk- y y sõsdb-rãmbã (move-rootuserpages)
  • Yãk-y sɛb ne b sɛb-bɛɛg-rãmb (move-subpages)
  • Yãk-y ne sɛb-rãmb (movefile)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Manage OAuth consumers (mwoauthmanageconsumer)
  • Manage OAuth grants (mwoauthmanagemygrants)
  • Propose new OAuth consumers (mwoauthproposeconsumer)
  • Suppress OAuth consumers (mwoauthsuppress)
  • Update OAuth consumers you control (mwoauthupdateownconsumer)
  • View private OAuth data (mwoauthviewprivate)
  • View suppressed OAuth consumers (mwoauthviewsuppressed)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • Disable two-factor authentication for a user (oathauth-disable-for-user)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b pa na n maan bũmb nins sẽn yaa wẽnga ye (override-antispoof)
  • Ges-y sẽn pa kaoos wã yel-gɛtã yʋy (patrolmarks)
  • Yãk-y n toeem koglg sigls la y tik-y sɛb sẽn kogl ne kasɛtã (protect)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (purge)
  • Sõng-y n gʋls-y bũmb nins sẽn be wã (reupload)
  • Yãk-y y meng n tool-y neda Yãk a Zeova (reupload-shared)
  • Mark revisions as being "checked" (review)
  • Sẽn sɩng-a n maand seb-kãngã, a kɩtame tɩ b lebg n lebg n lebg tɩ yɩ sõma (rollback)
  • Send email to other users (sendemail)
  • Set user's mentor (setmentor)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa maand bũmb a to wã logs (suppressionlog)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Sõng-y n ges-y n bãng-y tɩ y tõe n paama seb-vẽkr kẽer n paam n bãng-b la y bãng-b (suppressrevision)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Override the disallowed usernames list (tboverride-account)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
  • Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again (transcode-reset)
  • View information about the current transcode activity (transcode-status)
  • Yãk-y y meng n yiis y mengã (unblockself)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
  • Ges-y sɛb nins b sẽn pa gesã (unwatchedpages)
  • Ningi fisiye (upload)
  • Yãk-y y faayã URL- wã pʋgẽ (upload_by_url)
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify)
  • Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked (abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Ges-y AbuseFilter ned sẽn pa tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã logã (abusefilter-privatedetails-log)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yood-y n wilg y sẽn maan-b to-to (abusefilter-revert)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Auto-review on rollback (autoreviewrestore)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins sẽn tar tar tar-b sɛb wʋsg (bigdelete)
  • B gɩdgda wala b gɩdgda neb a taab tɩ b pa maand b sẽn datã ye (block)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n tʋm e-mailã (blockemail)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Forcibly create a local account for a global account (centralauth-createlocal)
  • Merge their account (centralauth-merge)
  • Manage central notices (centralnotice-admin)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
  • View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses (checkuser-temporary-account-log)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to check the preference (checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference)
  • naane tʋmtʋmd kõnte kada (createaccount)
  • Yãk-y sɛb (b sẽn pa sõsg sɛb ye) (createpage)
  • Yãk sõsg seb-n-taar (createtalk)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Yēnsetags (deletechangetags)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Yãk-y n yiis log-rãmb nins sẽn be b sẽn be b zĩigẽ wã (deletelogentry)
  • Yãk-y n da yiis-y seb-n-taag dãmb sẽn yaa toor-toorã ye (deleterevision)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (edit)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editautopatrolprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers" (editautoreviewprotected)
  • Yãk-y seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã (editcontentmodel)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors" (editeditorprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editextendedsemiprotected)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk y meng ratemã (editmyoptions)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only autoconfirmed users" wã (editsemiprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users" (edittrustedprotected)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n tall-y y sõsg n tool-yãkrã (editusercss)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da sak n deeg tɩ y sẽn dat n sõsd ne taabã yaa sõma (edituserjs)
  • Yãk-y taab n tool-y neda (edituserjson)
  • Edit restricted pages (extendedconfirmed)
  • Create Structured Discussions boards in any location (flow-create-board)
  • Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-delete)
  • Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users (flow-edit-post)
  • Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-hide)
  • Suppress Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-suppress)
  • Bypass global IP blocks (globalblock-exempt)
  • Disable global blocks locally (globalblock-whitelist)
  • gwtoolset (gwtoolset)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n kɩt tɩ ned bãng a yʋʋrã, b sẽn pa tõe tɩ b bãng-a wã (hideuser)
  • Sõsg ning sẽn be wiki wã pʋgẽ (import)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã (importupload)
  • Bõn-kaoodã sẽn pa tar pãng (ipblock-exempt)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo-view-full)
  • View a log of who has accessed IP information (ipinfo-view-log)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tags (managechangetags)
  • Manage the list of mentors (managementors)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk y sẽn tool-y n na n tool-yã (markbotedits)
  • Send a message to multiple users at once (massmessage)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk a taab n tool-yã (mergehistory)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (move)
  • Yãk-y sull seb-n-taar seb-nẽnga (move-categorypages)
  • Yãk- y y sõsdb-rãmbã (move-rootuserpages)
  • Yãk-y sɛb ne b sɛb-bɛɛg-rãmb (move-subpages)
  • Yãk-y ne sɛb-rãmb (movefile)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Manage OAuth consumers (mwoauthmanageconsumer)
  • Suppress OAuth consumers (mwoauthsuppress)
  • View private OAuth data (mwoauthviewprivate)
  • View suppressed OAuth consumers (mwoauthviewsuppressed)
  • Register newsletters (newsletter-create)
  • Delete newsletters (newsletter-delete)
  • Add or remove publishers or subscribers from newsletters (newsletter-manage)
  • Restore a newsletter (newsletter-restore)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (noratelimit)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Access the log of two-factor authentication changes (oathauth-view-log)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b pa na n maan bũmb nins sẽn yaa wẽnga ye (override-antispoof)
  • Mark versions of pages for translation (pagetranslation)
  • B sẽn maand bũmb ning neb a taabã sẽn maandã, b na n maana woto (patrol)
  • Ges-y sẽn pa kaoos wã yel-gɛtã yʋy (patrolmarks)
  • Yãk-y n toeem koglg sigls la y tik-y sɛb sẽn kogl ne kasɛtã (protect)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda (purge)
  • Rename users (renameuser)
  • Sõng-y n gʋls-y bũmb nins sẽn be wã (reupload)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (reupload-own)
  • Yãk-y y meng n tool-y neda Yãk a Zeova (reupload-shared)
  • Mark revisions as being "checked" (review)
  • Sẽn sɩng-a n maand seb-kãngã, a kɩtame tɩ b lebg n lebg n lebg tɩ yɩ sõma (rollback)
  • Set user's mentor (setmentor)
  • Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension (sfsblock-bypass)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa maand bũmb a to wã logs (suppressionlog)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Override the disallowed usernames list (tboverride-account)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
  • View the disallowed titles list log (titleblacklistlog)
  • Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes (torunblocked)
  • View information about the current transcode activity (transcode-status)
  • Import offline translations (translate-import)
  • Manage message groups (translate-manage)
  • Review translations (translate-messagereview)
  • Yãk-y y meng n yiis y mengã (unblockself)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
  • Ges-y sɛb nins b sẽn pa gesã (unwatchedpages)
  • Ningi fisiye (upload)
  • Yãk-y y faayã URL- wã pʋgẽ (upload_by_url)
  • Ges-y sõss nins sẽn pa be ned ning fãa nengẽ (viewsuppressed)
  • writeapi (writeapi)
System administrators
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Yãk-y n ning y sõssã b sẽn gʋlsã (abusefilter-hide-log)
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab (abusefilter-modify-global)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yood-y n wilg y sẽn maan-b to-to (abusefilter-revert)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Pa tar-b ratem sẽn yaa ne IP- wã ye (autoconfirmed)
  • Yãk-y n wilg tɩ y sẽn maand bũmb ningã yaa yel-gɛt sẽn maand bũmb ninsã (autopatrol)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins sẽn tar tar tar-b sɛb wʋsg (bigdelete)
  • B gɩdgda wala b gɩdgda neb a taab tɩ b pa maand b sẽn datã ye (block)
  • B sẽn pa tõe n tʋm e-mailã (blockemail)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Forcibly create a local account for a global account (centralauth-createlocal)
  • Lock or unlock global account (centralauth-lock)
  • Merge their account (centralauth-merge)
  • Rename global accounts (centralauth-rename)
  • Suppress or hide global account (centralauth-suppress)
  • Unmerge global account (centralauth-unmerge)
  • Yɩl-y sɛb nins sẽn be wã (delete)
  • Yēnsetags (deletechangetags)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Yãk-y n yiis log-rãmb nins sẽn be b sẽn be b zĩigẽ wã (deletelogentry)
  • Yãk-y n da yiis-y seb-n-taag dãmb sẽn yaa toor-toorã ye (deleterevision)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (edit)
  • Yãk-y seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã (editcontentmodel)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda (editinterface)
  • Yãk-y sɛb nins b sẽn kogend ne "Allow only administrators" wã (editprotected)
  • Modifẽ site wã fãa CSS (editsitecss)
  • Yel-bũndã fãa pʋgẽ JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Modifẽ zĩiga fãa JSON (editsitejson)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n tall-y y sõsg n tool-yãkrã (editusercss)
  • Sõngd-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da sak n deeg tɩ y sẽn dat n sõsd ne taabã yaa sõma (edituserjs)
  • Yãk-y taab n tool-y neda (edituserjson)
  • Create Structured Discussions boards in any location (flow-create-board)
  • Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts (flow-delete)
  • Edit membership to global groups (globalgroupmembership)
  • Manage global groups (globalgrouppermissions)
  • Bõn-kaoodã sẽn pa tar pãng (ipblock-exempt)
  • Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tags (managechangetags)
  • Disable two-factor authentication for a user (oathauth-disable-for-user)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled (oathauth-verify-user)
  • Access the log of two-factor authentication changes (oathauth-view-log)
  • Sõng-y n ges-y b sẽn dat n maan bũmb ning sẽn yaa sõma to-to wã. (override-export-depth)
  • Mark versions of pages for translation (pagetranslation)
  • Rename users (renameuser)
  • Bãng-y tɩ b segd n maana bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ b paam n paam n paam b sẽn tõe n paam n maan bũmb ninsã. (skipcaptcha)
  • Pa kɩt tɩ d lebg n ningd yood sẽn yit sɛb nins sẽn yitẽ wã ye (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Override the disallowed usernames list (tboverride-account)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
  • Yãk-y y meng n yiis y mengã (unblockself)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
  • Yãk-y y faayã URL- wã pʋgẽ (upload_by_url)
  • Sõng-y n sak-y n deeg sõng-rãmbã fãa (userrights)
  • Sõng-y n tool-y neda Yãk-y n da ges-y y sẽn tõe n maan bũmb ninsã (userrights-interwiki)
VRT permissions agents
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • Sõng-y n karem-y-yã (read)
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Bypass the spam block list (sboverride)
WMF researchers
(management | list of members)
This group is active on all wikis.
  • Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã (abusefilter-log)
  • Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã (abusefilter-view)
  • Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Sebd-y sogs-n-taas sẽn yaa kãsenga API sogs-no-kãsems pʋsẽ (apihighlimits)
  • Bao-y seb-n-taar nins b sẽn yiisdã (browsearchive)
  • Ges-y sẽn yiisd-b pĩnd wẽndẽ sõssã, n pa tar b sõssã sẽn pʋgdã ye (deletedhistory)
  • Ges-y sõsg ning b sẽn yiis la toeeng nins sẽn zĩnd sõsg nins sẽn yiisdã sʋka (deletedtext)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
  • Ges-y ned sẽn pa maand bũmb a to wã logs (suppressionlog)
  • Pa yiis seb-kãngã ye (undelete)
  • Ges-y sõss nins sẽn pa be ned ning fãa nengẽ (viewsuppressed)