Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to
Seb-kãngã sõsdda sor nins MediaWiki programã sẽn maand n pa tõe n yã ye. B tõe n toeema b yʋy ne b sẽn toeemd sõss nins sẽn be b siglgã pʋgẽ wã.
B sẽn da rat n maan bũmb ninsã | Sõnd yʋʋr | Sõng-n-taagã sẽn tar yõodã |
Nense ni fisiye bõg-boge tõkre (5 P) | broken-file-category | Sebrã tara faayl link sẽn pa zems (faayã sã n pa be, link sẽn na yɩl n kẽes faayl pʋgẽ). |
Pags nins sẽn tũnugd ne logtoɛɛmb sẽn pa tar sõsg ne modɛl-yẽngã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | duplicate-args-category | Sebrã pʋgẽ, b boondame tɩ "sẽn-kẽedg" sẽn tũnugd ne argumentã n maand b toor-toorã. |
Pags nins sẽn pa tar pãng n paasdẽ wã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | expansion-depth-exceeded-category | Sebrã yɩɩda pãng sẽn ta zĩig ning fãa. |
Pags nins sẽn tar sogs-n-taag sẽn tar ligd wʋsgo (sã n pa tar bũmb) | expensive-parserfunction-category | Sebrã tũnugda ne tʋʋm wʋsg sẽn tar ligd wʋsgo (wa #ifexist ). Ges-y Manual:$wExpensiveParcerFunctionLimit. |
Solange sull-sullisi (sã n pa tar bũmb) | hidden-category-category | Sõngr ning sẽn be a seb-kãngã pʋgẽ wã tara __HIDDENCAT__ , sẽn kɩt tɩ b pa tõe n yã a seb-kãng pʋgẽ ye. |
Nengse ka be (sã n pa tar bũmb) | index-category | Sebrã tara __INDEX__ (n be yʋy zĩigẽ, tɩ b sak n kõ-a-la b liiga), la rẽ yĩnga, robotã n get-a-yã. |
Pages where node count is exceeded (sã n pa tar bũmb) | node-count-exceeded-category | Sebrã sõor yɩɩda sõor sẽn pa tõe n tall n ta zĩig ning fãa. |
Nengse ka be (sã n pa tar bũmb) | noindex-category | Sebrã pa be robotã sẽn maand index ye, bala a tara gom-zug ning sẽn yaa __NOINDEX__ wã, la a beẽ wã, b pa sak n yãk yʋy tɩ b yãk yʋy ye. |
Pags sẽn tar sõor sẽn pa tar sõor sõor sõorã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | nonnumeric-formatnum | Sebrã tara sõsg sẽn pa sõor ne formatsum parser functionã. |
Pags nins sẽn tar makr-yãkr sẽn pa be (sã n pa tar bũmb) | post-expand-template-argument-category | Sebrã yaa kãseng n yɩɩd $wgMaxArticleSize sẽn paam n paasd a template argumentã (bõn-kãseng sẽn be tãag-n-soaba, wala {{{Foo}}} ). |
Pags nins sẽn tar makr sẽn pa zemsã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | post-expand-template-inclusion-category | Pagã pãng yɩɩda $wgMaxArticleSize , sẽn na yɩl n paasd b sẽn da maandã fãa, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ b pa le paasd b kẽer ye. |
Pags nins sẽn pa tar sõssã yʋy (sã n pa tar bũmb) | restricted-displaytitle-ignored | Sebrã tara {{DISPLAYTITLE}} sẽn pa tar yõod ne sebrã yʋy ye. |
Pages sẽn tũnugd ne = sẽn yaa makrã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | template-equals-category | Sebrã pʋgẽ, b sõsdame tɩ b pa le paasd n ta = wã ye. Woto pa le be ye. La pʋgl sẽn na n wa yɩ MediaWiki wã na n maana <code><nowiki>{{=}} </nowiki> wa parser function. |
Pags ne modɛl-gãosgo (sã n pa tar bũmb) | template-loop-category | Sebrã tara makr sẽn yaa b sẽn dat n wilg tɩ b yaa b sẽn segd n maan bũmb ningã. b sẽn boond b mens tɩ b sẽn boond tɩ b sẽn bool tɩ b sẽn get tɩ b yaa b sẽn get b mens tɩ pa b sẽn get bũmb ninsã. |
Pags nins sẽn yɩɩd b sẽn pa tõe n tall a to wã pʋgẽ (sã n pa tar bũmb) | unstrip-depth-category | Sebrã yɩɩda b sẽn tõe n yiis a pʋgẽ wã. |
Pags nins sẽn yɩɩd b sẽn pa tõe n tall a to wã pʋgẽ. (sã n pa tar bũmb) | unstrip-size-category | Sebrã yɩɩda b sẽn tõe n yiis a pʋgẽ wã. |
Pages with invalid language codes (sã n pa tar bũmb) | bad-language-code-category | The page contains a {{#dir}} with an invalid language code. |
Pages with image sizes containing extra px (2 P) | double-px-category | The page contains an image whose size contains an extra px suffix, like 100pxpx . |
Pages using the EasyTimeline extension (sã n pa tar bũmb) | timeline-tracking-category | The page includes a <timeline> tag |
Pages using the WikiHiero extension (sã n pa tar bũmb) | wikihiero-usage-tracking-category | This category is automatically added to pages that use WikiHiero extension |
Pages with reference errors that trigger visual diffs (sã n pa tar bũmb) | cite-tracking-category-cite-diffing-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags, and these errors are not rendered in the same way in the legacy parser and in Parsoid. |
Pags ne tagsgã yel-wẽnde (32 P) | cite-tracking-category-cite-error | Pag-kãensã pʋgẽ, b tara kibay b sẽn tũnug ne tag-n-taagã pʋgẽ. |
Pages that use extended references (sã n pa tar bũmb) | cite-tracking-category-ref-extends | Pages in this category use the "extends" attribute of the <ref> tag. |
Pages with syntax highlighting errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | syntaxhighlight-error-category | There was an error when attempting to highlight code included on the page. |
Pages using deprecated enclose attributes (sã n pa tar bũmb) | syntaxhighlight-enclose-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax. |
Pages using deprecated source tags (sã n pa tar bũmb) | syntaxhighlight-source-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags. |
Pages using deprecated categorytree parameters (sã n pa tar bũmb) | categorytree-deprecation-category | The page uses deprecated categorytree parameters like onlyroot . |
Pages transcluding nonexistent sections (sã n pa tar bũmb) | lst-invalid-section-category | The page uses a #lst or #lsth parser function that references a section that doesn't exist on the given page. |
Pages using deprecated score attributes (sã n pa tar bũmb) | score-deprecated-category | These pages use options provided by the Score extension which are deprecated. These are: "override_audio", "override_ogg", and "override_midi". |
Pages using the Score extension (sã n pa tar bũmb) | score-use-category | These pages use the Score extension. |
Pages with score rendering errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | score-error-category | There was an error while rendering the score. |
TemplateStyles stylesheets with errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | templatestyles-stylesheet-error-category | The TemplateStyles stylesheet has an error. |
Pages with TemplateStyles errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | templatestyles-page-error-category | There was an error when processing a <templatestyles/> tag on the page. |
MassMessage delivery lists (sã n pa tar bũmb) | massmessage-list-category | The page is a delivery list for the MassMessage extension. |
Dĩng sẽn pa tar lisens sẽn tõe n karem ne masĩn ye (sã n pa tar bũmb) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-license | D pa tõe n yã a Zeova sẽn kõ-a vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã ye. |
Dɩlla sẽn pa tar sõss sẽn tõe n karem ne masĩn ye (sã n pa tar bũmb) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-description | Dẽnd d pa tõe n yã n bãng tɩ d sẽn dat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã yaa sõma ye. |
Dĩng sẽn pa tar lisens sẽn tõe n karem ne masĩn ye (sã n pa tar bũmb) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-author | Dẽnd d pa tõe n yã n bãng tɩ b sẽn gʋls-b bũmb ningã yaa sɩda. |
Dĩng sẽn pa tar lisens sẽn tõe n karem ne masĩn ye (sã n pa tar bũmb) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-source | Dẽnd d pa tõe n yã n bãng tɩ b sẽn gʋls-b bũmb ningã yaa sɩda. |
Dĩng sẽn pa tar lisens sẽn tõe n karem ne masĩn ye (sã n pa tar bũmb) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-patent | D pa tõe n yã a Zeova sẽn kõ-a vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã ye. |
Pages with math errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | math-tracking-category-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags. |
Pages with math render errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | math-tracking-category-render-error | Pages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags. |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tags (sã n pa tar bũmb) | math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags (sã n pa tar bũmb) | math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags |
Pages using babel with named parameters (sã n pa tar bũmb) | babel-template-params-category | The page passes a name=value parameter to the #babel parser function. The behavior of these parameters may change in the near future. |
Pages with malformed coordinate tags (sã n pa tar bũmb) | geodata-broken-tags-category | The page has a malformed {{#coordinates:}} tag. |
Pages with unknown globe value (sã n pa tar bũmb) | geodata-unknown-globe-category | The page uses an unknown value of the globe parameter for coordinates. |
Pages with invalid region value (sã n pa tar bũmb) | geodata-unknown-region-category | The page uses an invalid value of the region parameter for coordinates. |
Pages with unknown type of coordinates (sã n pa tar bũmb) | geodata-unknown-type-category | The page uses an unknown value of the type parameter for coordinates. |
B pa tõe n yãk a sẽn datã ye | discussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-category | Sõsg ning b sẽn yiisdã pʋgẽ, b sõsdame tɩ b na n paama sagls sẽn be sull ning b sẽn boond tɩ lede wã pʋgẽ (kãnga sẽn deng pipi sõsg ning sẽn be wã). Woto tõe n kɩtame tɩ b wilg b sẽn dat n deeg bũmb ningã, wall b wilg b sõssã ne b sẽn da tags-bã tɩ pa sõma, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, b sẽn yiis-b ne mobilã la b sẽn yiisd-b ne appã. |
Pages with script errors (6 P) | scribunto-common-error-category | There was an error when processing the modules included on the page. |
Scribunto modules with errors (sã n pa tar bũmb) | scribunto-module-with-errors-category | The module has an error in it. |
Pags nins sẽn pa tar lebgr buud-goamã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | cx-unreviewed-translation-category | Pags nins b sẽn lebg ne Content Translation toolã sẽn tar sõor sẽn pa tar vaeesgo |
Pages with unresolved properties (sã n pa tar bũmb) | unresolved-property-category | This category lists pages that reference Wikidata properties that cannot be found neither by their property ID nor label. |
Redirects connected to a Wikidata item (sã n pa tar bũmb) | connected-redirect-category | This category lists redirect pages that are connected to a Wikidata item. |
Pages with too many Wikidata entities accessed (sã n pa tar bũmb) | exceeded-entity-limit-category | This category lists pages with too many Wikidata entities accessed. |
Pages using the JsonConfig extension (sã n pa tar bũmb) | jsonconfig-use-category | These pages use the mw.ext.data.get method provided by the JsonConfig extension. The mw.ext.data.get method is considered expensive. |
Pages using the Kartographer extension (134 P) | kartographer-tracking-category | The page includes a map |
Pages with broken maps (sã n pa tar bũmb) | kartographer-broken-category | The page includes an invalid map usage |
Pages using Phonos (sã n pa tar bũmb) | phonos-tracking-category | Sebrã tũnugda ne Phonos |
Pags nins sẽn tar Phonos sẽn maand yel-wẽnã (sã n pa tar bũmb) | phonos-error-category | B sẽn da maand a Phonos wã, b paama yel-wẽnd n kɩt tɩ b lebg-a. |
Pages with graphs (sã n pa tar bũmb) | graph-tracking-category | The page includes a <graph> tag. |
Pages with disabled graphs (sã n pa tar bũmb) | graph-disabled-category | The page includes a <graph> tag, which is temporarily not available (T334940). |
Pags sẽn tũnugd ne RFC linkã (39 P) | magiclink-tracking-isbn | Seb-kãngã tũnugda ne RFC zoob-zẽn-zoob. Ges-y mediawiki.org sẽn na yɩl n bãng n tõog n yi tẽngã pʋgẽ. |
Pags sẽn tũnugd ne RFC linkã (39 P) | magiclink-tracking-rfc | Seb-kãngã tũnugda ne RFC zoob-zẽn-zoob. Ges-y mediawiki.org sẽn na yɩl n bãng n tõog n yi tẽngã pʋgẽ. |
Pags nins sẽn tũnug ne PMID zo-rãmbã (3 P) | magiclink-tracking-pmid | Seb-kãngã tũnugda ne PMID zoob-zẽn-zoobã. Ges-y mediawiki.org sẽn na yɩl n bãng n tõog n yi tẽngã pʋgẽ. |