Benhazin Joseph Dahah
Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ
Sex or gender | male |
Country of citizenship | Ghana |
Date of birth | 8 Wao-fugdg kiuugu 1969 |
Languages spoken, written or signed | English |
Occupation | politician, consultant |
Position held | Member of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana |
Educated at | University for Development Studies |
Member of political party | New Patriotic Party |
Religion or worldview | Christianity |
A Benhazin Joseph Dahah (ra roga yʋʋmd 1969 t'a yaa Ghana tẽnga politik soab la Ghana naan-naaba siglgã tẽnga politikã sull a yopoe soabã sẽn yaa a sẽn yãg a Asutifi Kaagẽ wã sẽn be Brong-Ahafo soolmẽ wã.[1]
A vɩɩm ni kaorengo
tekreA dogame yʋʋmd 1969 tʋʋlg kiuug rasem 8 daarẽ, a sẽn be Ntotroso tẽnga pʋgẽ. A paama a Bachelor of Arts degree Integrated Development Studies wã ne University for Development Studies. Sẽn deng a sẽn yãk a tʋʋma, a yaa Ghana karengã karen-biiga.[2]
tekreA Dahah n deng n yɩ tẽnga taoor soab yʋʋmd 2013 yʋʋmdã yʋʋmdã yʋʋmd kiuug rasem a 7 wã, a sẽn maan n tõog n maan Ghana tẽnga pʋga.[3]A leb n yɩɩ tẽnga taoor soab n na n yɩ a tẽnga taoor soab yʋʋm 2016. A paama vot ning sẽn tar yõod wʋsg wã pʋɩ-sʋka 54.98%.[4][5][6]
A mēng vɩɩm
tekreA Dahah yaa kiris-ned la a kẽe kãadem n tar kamb piig.[7][8]
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