Dancing procession of Echternach

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Dancing procession of Echternach
processional parade
Part ofQ97255797 Tekre
CountryLuxembourg Tekre
LocationEchternach Tekre
Country of originLuxembourg Tekre
Day in year for periodic occurrencePentecost Tekre
Intangible cultural heritage statusRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Tekre
Described at URLhttps://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/00392, https://ich.unesco.org/fr/RL/00392, https://ich.unesco.org/es/RL/00392 Tekre

Dancing procession of Echternach yaa yʋʋmd fãa Roman Catholic sẽn ki wã kibsã kibs sẽn maand Echternach, Luxembourg soolmã pʋga. A Echternach wã yaa Europe sẽn maan yɩɩl-kãsengã sẽn pa kaoos ye. B maanda woto a Whit Tuesday fãa.[1] A Willibrord sẽn yaa Luxembourg tẽnga nin-sõngã, n lugl a Abbey of Echternach wã, n waoogd-a. A Echternach wã yaa tẽn-dãmb sẽn get n getẽ wã n getẽ. B gʋlsa woto yʋʋmd 2010 wã, tɩ b lebg Echternach sẽn kẽed n na n kẽed ne UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity sẽn get bũmb nins sẽn pa tar yõod ne ninsaalbã.[2]

A tooré kendé


Rɩt-kãng sɩngda rũnna[3] River Sauer kʋɩlgã zug zug ne sermon maan-kʋʋdã (tõnd sẽn da yaa abbot n yɩ monastery naab) koe-moonegã. "Willibrordus-Bauverein" taoor dãmb sigla sorã, n tigim yɩɩl-gʋlsdb la piligriir rãmb neb tus a wãn sẽn yaa toor-toorã. Rẽ poore, sullã kẽnga Echternach sẽbgẽ n kẽng basilica, n zãag ne kilomɛtɛɛr 1.5 (0.93 mi). Sprangprozessioùn Yɩɩll-gʋlsdbã yɩɩnda yɩɩl ning sẽn yaa "Adam ra tar bi-ribl a yopoe" sẽn yaa yɩɩl sẽn wõnd Iriland kʋɩlen-kãsengã. B sẽn maand pilgrims, b gãda b nus-rãmb ne b nus-pugli, n maand yɩɩl n kẽnd n kẽng rɩtgo, n yaool n kẽnd n kẽnd n paasdẽ.[4] Sẽn yaa to-to tɩ neb wʋsg wa be wẽnd-doogẽ wã, wakat ninga yɩɩla wã sẽn pa ta zĩigã, yaa wĩntoogã poore. Neb wʋsg sẽn yaa maan-kʋʋdba, maan-kʋʋdbã la b maan-kʋʋdb kẽnda ne-ba, la naoor wʋsgo, b yaa b bishops rãmb me. B sẽn wa n ta wẽnd-doogẽ wã, b ket n kiidame n loogd a Saint Willibrord yaoogã crypt sẽn be tẽn-kugrã tẽngr. B pʋʋsda a Saintã ne lisã, la b kɩtdame tɩ b paam bark sẽn zems sakramentã.

Pĩnd wẽndẽ, yɩɩlã ra yaa to-to. Wakat ninga, ra yaa tɩlɛ tɩ b kẽng taoor n maan a tãab la b kẽng poorẽ a yiib n maan a nu n yaool n kẽng taoor a yembre. La a to wã ra yaa tɩrg tɩ b ra wa n wa n wa bas n wa boog b kolg n lʋɩ n yaool n kẽnga taoor n maan bũmb a taaba. B leb n da leb n maandẽ tɩ b sã n wa n wa n yãendẽ, b ra leb n leb n kẽnda kugẽ. "Bɩ b yɩɩl ne rũmsã" n da maand n be tigisgã taoore;[5] b bas-a lame yʋʋmd 1664.



Echternach Abbey wã ra yaa kiris-neb tẽn-kãsenga sʋka, la a ra tara sɛb-rãmb la sɛb-sõdb sẽn yaa nin-kãsemse. La yaa yɩɩl ning sẽn kɩt tɩ b lebg neb wʋsg rũndã-rũndã wã yĩng la b boond-a t'a Zeova. A Saint Willibrord wẽn-doogã wɛɛngẽ, b tõe n maana bũmb wʋsg hal n tãag a kũumã. A Abbey wẽnd-doogẽ wã, b sẽn da wa n kẽng a yaoogẽ wã, yaa rĩm-dãmb a Emperors, a Charlemagne, a Lothair I, a Conrad la a Maximilian (1512). Tõe tɩ yaa bõn-naands buud toor-toor la b ra maandẽ, wala sẽn da yaa a Saint Eligius n yeel tɩ b pa segd n maan woto yʋʋmd 700 wã. Yʋʋm kobs a nu-vyẽ wã sɛb zoe n gomda rẽ yelle, tɩ yaa yel-manesem sẽn zĩnd hal sẽn kaoos la b yãtẽ, la tɩ b ra maanda yɩɩl woto me tẽn-kɩrg a Prüm sẽn be Eifel soolmẽ wã yʋʋmd 1342 wã. B yetame tɩ b sẽn wa n kiidã yaa wa bãaga sẽn da kɩt tɩ b pa tõe n kiid ye, wall b gomda bi-bees sẽn da paam n kʋ-a to-to wã yelle. A zoeeme, tɩ b ket n yɩɩla hal tɩ Willibrord wa n na n sãam a sũ-sãanga.[4] B gʋlsa kibarã yʋʋmd 800 wã.[5]

Biiblã sẽn gom nin-sõamy nins sẽn da maand n maand n maand b sẽn pa tõe n yɩ sõma wã gom-biis pipi n yit yʋʋmd 1497 wã, la b sɩngrã segd n yɩɩ pĩndã.[6] Yʋʋmd fãa, b ra maand n maandẽ hal n tãag yʋʋmd 1777. Neb wʋsg ra pa mi tɩ yaa sõma tɩ b wa wa wa wa yɩɩl ne yɩɩl ye. A Wenceslas yeelame tɩ yaa tɩlɛ tɩ b maan piligr rãmb n wa wa maan yɩɩl. Yʋʋm piig poore, b maana makr n na n vʋʋg-a, la baa ne a French Revolution Soog-kãsengã sẽn gɩdg-a wã, b vʋʋga a soabã yʋʋmd 1802 wã, la a ket n maanda woto hal tɩlɛ. Yʋʋmd 1826 wã, goosneema wã bao n kɩtame tɩ daarã lebg Donda. Yʋʋmd 1830 wã tɛka, a ra maanda a Whit Tuesday, sẽn yaa pipi kibay sẽn yaa pipi pipi kibayã, la a pa tar zood ne a Saint Willibrord mengã ye. Pĩnd wẽndẽ, yaa wa b sẽn da maand pilgrimsg n maandẽ. B tõe n gesa sẽn kẽed-b ne yɩɩl n kẽng nin-sõngã yaoogẽ wã wa sũ-noog sẽn wilgd wall pʋʋsg sẽn naag ne yĩngã la sɩɩgã. Yaa yʋʋmd fãa waoogr sẽn maand n na n maan tɩ b bãng b sẽn na n maan to-to n maan maan yel-wẽnã, la sẽn yɩɩd fãa, b na n kɩtame tɩ b ra paam tɩ b wa paam bãaga, la b ra wa paam tɩ b kibs a Saint Vitus Dance wã bɩɩ convulsions , wall b ra wa maan tɩ b wa maan tɩbgr ye.


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20080514151612/http://www.luxembourg.co.uk/dancproc.html
  2. http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00011&RL=00392
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20101122171712/http://www.willibrord.lu/spip.php?article50
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://www.luxtimes.lu/en/luxembourg-guide/what-is-the-hopping-procession-of-echternach-602d700dde135b9236bb7db4
  5. 5.0 5.1 https://luxembourg.public.lu/en/society-and-culture/festivals-and-traditions/echternach-hopping-procession.html
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20230328024255/https://www.mullerthal.lu/en/fiche/specialevents/dancing-procession-echternach
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