Fisiye kada yi ne Wikimedia Commons la tʋʋgda mi tʋm ni neda a to.
Venege nye yaa toto venege kolgu seb-vã-nenga a be be tengre.
BilsiTisza, Gergő Nov 2013.jpg
English: Staff photo for Wikimedia Foundation staff page.
Anna Lantz
Anna Lantz and Myleen Hollero
This work was created by Anna Lantz and Myleen Hollero. Copyright in this work is either owned/co-owned by the Wikimedia Foundationor the content has been licensed to the Wikimedia Foundation. The uploader asserts that they are acting as an agent for the Wikimedia Foundation in uploading this content. In reusing this media under the specified license, please attribute the creator.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
Bilgri: Anna Lantz and Myleen Hollero / Wikimedia Foundation
Fo vʋʋse sa mi
n pʋɩ – Gese n gulse, pʋɩ la kis tumda ti kẽnge
n kalme – zemse tumde
Yɛl pʋgdse tẽngre:
zu-lukri – Fo toge kõ waoogre sɛgde, wilgi tokre ni sor-kũuni, la wilgi baa-ti tekre da maana mi. Fo na tõe maane boto ni yam, la pa sore ning wilgi ti sor-kũuna sake ni fo bɩɩ fo tʋʋma.
pʋɩ zem-taaba – Fo sãn lebe-kalme,teeme,bɩɩ m me bõn zugu, fo toge pʋɩ fo lobre tẽngre ni taare bɩɩ zeme kaset sebre ni a mêng mênga.