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Matthew Nyindam
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Given nameMatthew Tekre
Date of birth1 Yuum-sar kiuugu 1975 Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationeducation activist, politician Tekre
Position heldMember of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atUniversity of Education, Winneba, Dambai College of Education Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre

A Matthew Nyindam (b sẽn dog yʋʋm 1975 yʋʋm-yʋʋmd kiuug rasem a aye wã) yaa Gana politik soab la Gana naan-naab a naas-n-soabã Parlament a yopoe soabã sẽn yaa Kpandai tẽnga taoor soab sẽn be Gãna tẽnga pʋga. A Matthew Nyindam Ghana tẽnga taoor soab sẽn be Kpandai tẽnga pʋga n yɩ New Patriotic Party neda.[1]

A vɩɩmã


A Nyindam yaa kiris-ned (Katolik). A kẽe kãadem (a tar kamb a naasã).[1]

Bi-bɩɩgã la a zãmsgo


A Nyindam rogame yʋʋmd 1975 yʋʋm-y kiuug rasem a ye soabã. A yaa Kumdi, sẽn yaa tẽng sẽn be Gana rɩtg pʋga.[1] A kẽnga Winneba karẽn-biis karẽn-kẽndre, la a paama karẽn-soabg karẽn-bɛdã karẽn-kɛgemdã yʋʋmd 2007.[1]



A Nyindam yaa New Patriotic Party (NPP) ning sẽn be be wã ned. Yʋʋmd 2012 wã, a ra yaa Kpandai tẽnga taoor soab n na n yɩ naan-naab tẽnga tẽnga tẽnga tẽnga pʋga.[1]

Yʋʋmd 2012 Politikã naam yakre


A Nyindam lʋɩɩsa Ghanya tẽnga pʋga, sẽn be Kaagẽ tẽnga pʋga la a paam n tõoge. A tõoga sorã n na n zab ne Lipkalimor Kwajo Tawiah sẽn yaa NDC ning ning ning sẽn be wã, a Alfred Donkor Odzidzator sẽn yaa IND ning sẽn be n na n kaoos a naamã, a Bumarck Braimah Friko sẽn yaa kongre wã ning sẽn be a kongre wã wã ning sẽn yaa a kongre ning sẽn be kongre wã, a Mboko Nkrajimamo Yaw sẽn yaa PPP ning sẽn be b kongre wã la a Aniwaba Kwaku Bediako Jeremiah sẽn yaa a NDP ning sẽn be NDP wã. B paama vot 13, 794, 7, 795, 156, 154 la 68 sẽn pʋ-peelem ne taaba. Yaa b sẽn yãkd b toorẽ sõorã sẽn yaa 36,12%, 20,41%, 0,41%, 0,40% la 0,18% n zems taaba.[2][3] [4]

Yʋʋmd 2016 Politikã naam yakre


A Nyindam paama b sẽn yãk a to wã n yɩ tẽnga taoor soab sẽn be Kpandai pʋga, Ghanɩ tẽnga pʋga, 2016 wã, a sẽn paam n yãk b rãmba 19,044 n yãk b rãmb sẽn yaa 50.14% n yãk b rãmbã. A yaa Lipkalimor Kwajo Tawiah sẽn yaa NDC kongre wã sẽn paam n yãk n yãk n deeg n deeg n yãk n kõ a 18 wã, n paam n deeg n kõ a 301 n kõ a 48.18%, a Muniru Salifu Ali Nnan sẽn yaa tẽnga taoor lʋɩtb taoor lʋɩtbã taoor lʋɩtba taoor lʋɩtgã taoor lʋɩtbe taoor lʋɩt yaa 463 n kõ a 463 n zems n kõ a 1.22%, a Inusah Rashid sẽn yaa kongre wã taoor lʋɩtbg taoor lʋɩt dãmba taoor lʋɩt sẽn deeg n deeg b n kõ a 90 n kõ a 0.24% la a APC taoor lʋɩt a Donkor Eric Nipani sẽn paam n deeg a 85 n kõ a 0,22% n kõ a n kõ a sẽn deeg n kõ b n kõ n kõ a soabã.[5][6]

Yʋʋmd 2024 Politikã naam yakre

A Nyindam leb n lʋɩɩsa Kpandai (Ghana tẽnga pʋga pʋga) tẽnga pʋga, a sẽn da yaa a New Patriotic Party wã n yãk n na n zĩnd Ghani wã raosgẽ wã, la a sãame n pa le tõe n paam a Daniel Nsala Wakpal sẽn yaa a National Democratic Congressã taoor soaba.[7][8][9]

A Tʋʋmde


.Ghana karengã tʋʋmde (tutor, Barikese SHS, Kumasi)[1]

.Parlamentã taoor soab (wanz kiuug rasem ayopoe, 2013- masã; 2nd mandã).[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 http://www.ghanamps.com/mps/details.php?id=5327
  2. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2012/northern/kpandai/
  3. https://mobile.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/election2012/parliament.constituency.php?ID=207&res=pm
  4. http://www.thinkghana.com/pages/2012/northern/145/index.php
  5. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2016/northern/kpandai/
  6. http://www.thinkghana.com/pages/2016/northern/145/index.php
  7. https://dx.doi.org/10.33965/ciawi_ciaca2020_202015l019
  8. https://mobile.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/ghanaelection2020/elections.constituency.results.php?mode=parliamentary&ID=172
  9. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2020/northern/kpandai/