Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ Patrick Bonor ya Ghana politik ned ni Adminiistrator. A ya parliment ned n kon Asutifi rɩtg baobgo Constituency yʋʋm- vẽkr kiuugu 2021.[1]

Patrick Banor
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Name in native languagePatrick Banor Tekre
Given namePatrick Tekre
Family nameBanor Tekre
Date of birth13 Sigr kiuugu 1975 Tekre
Zĩ-ninga o rogeKenyasi Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician Tekre
Position heldMember of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Asutifi North Constituency Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Candidacy in election2020 Ghanaian parliamentary election Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre

Pĩnd yel-manesem ni kaorengo


Banor roga sigr kiuugu arzũma yʋʋm 1975 Kenyasi No2.[1] A yan kaorengo certificate yʋʋm 1991 ni secondary School certificate yʋʋm 1994.[1]A yan Bachelor Arts degree Sociology ni Social tʋʋma yʋʋm 2009.[1]

A tʋʋm ni politik tʋʋma


A ra ya politik ned n lan ya General Manager Sarfpok company Limited. [1]Yʋʋm 2020 NPP parliamentary primaire Banor ni Evans Bobie Opoku yãnse Asutifi rɩtg baobgo ti Banor dɩ.[2] Woto yʋʋmda Ghana General vote Asutifi rɩtg baobgo Banor yãnse kon NPP ti Ebenezer Kwaku Addo yãnse kon NDC ni Kofi Annan ta yãnse kon GUM. Banor yan vote 18,505 sẽn ya 52.62 kʋbg pugin, ti Addo yan 16,546 sẽn ya 47.05 kʋbg pugin ti Annan ta yan 116 sẽn ya 0.33 kʋbg pugin.[3][4]

komiti tʋʋma

Patrick ya Subsidiary Legislation committee neda n lé ya House committee neda.[1]

A mẽng yel-manesem


Patrick ya kiris neda.[5]

A nẽb-sõngr tʋʋma


Bõn- bɩʋʋngo kiuugu, Patrick kon BECE kaoren-biisi 1,348 Mathematical sets.[6]

Sa- sik kiuugu, ta kon kom- pugli SHS 400 desks.[7]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 https://www.parliament.gh/mps?mp=185
  2. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/npp_paliamentary_primaries_2020/index.php
  3. https://electiondatacenter.theghanareport.com/election-results/2020-2/ahafo-region/asutifi-north/
  4. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/ghanaelection2020/elections.constituency.results.php?mode=parliamentary&ID=55
  5. https://ghanamps.com/mp/patrick-banor/
  6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Banor#cite_note-6
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20230211185428/https://www.classicnewsgh.com/2021/08/hon-patrick-ahobrase3hene-banor-donates.html