Sualihu Dandaawa Alhassan

Gana politik neda

Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ

Sualihu Dandaawa Alhassan
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Date of birth1 Sẽoog kiuugu 1983 Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician Tekre
Position heldMember of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atIslamic University College, Ghana Tekre
Member of political partyNational Democratic Congress Tekre
Religion or worldviewIslam Tekre

Sualihu Dandaawa Alhassan (a dog n dog yʋʋmd 1983 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem pii-la yopoe wã) yaa Ghana politik soab la Ghana naan-naab a naas-n-soabã Parlament a yopoe soabã sẽn yaa Karaga pʋga taoor soab sẽn be Ghana rɩtgo pʋga tɩ yaa National Democratic Congress la sulli.[1]

A Menga vɩɩm


A Dandaawa yaa Musulman la a kẽe kãadem n tar bi-ribla.[1]

A Vɩɩm la bãng-yalengo


A Dandaawa dogame yʋʋmd 1983 tʋʋlg kiuug rasem pii-la yopoe. A yaa Karagã, sẽn yaa tẽng sẽn be Gana kiidã soolmẽ wã[1]. A kẽnga Islam University College, Accra la a paama a Bachelor of Business Administration degree wã sẽn yaa Bankã la Finansã yʋʋmd 2009[1]. A kẽnga Mooncrest University College, Kanda-Accra, n paam a noorã diplôme[1].



Dandaawa yaa NDC (National Democratic Congress) ning sullã. Yʋʋmd 2012 wã, a ra yaa a naas-n-soab a naas-naabẽ wã NDC a yoob-n-seambdã pʋɩ-sʋka n na n paam a Karagã zĩiga, la a tõoge.[1]

A Tʋʋmd

  • A yé Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs la Regional Integration, Accra
  • parliament wilg (yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuugu dahma yopoe yʋʋmd 2021)[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6