Sualihu Dandaawa Alhassan
Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ
Sex or gender | male |
Country of citizenship | Ghana |
Date of birth | 1 Sẽoog kiuugu 1983 |
Languages spoken, written or signed | English |
Occupation | politician |
Position held | Member of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana |
Educated at | Islamic University College, Ghana |
Member of political party | National Democratic Congress |
Religion or worldview | Islam |
Sualihu Dandaawa Alhassan (a dog n dog yʋʋmd 1983 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem pii-la yopoe wã) yaa Ghana politik soab la Ghana naan-naab a naas-n-soabã Parlament a yopoe soabã sẽn yaa Karaga pʋga taoor soab sẽn be Ghana rɩtgo pʋga tɩ yaa National Democratic Congress la sulli.[1]
A Menga vɩɩm
tekreA Dandaawa yaa Musulman la a kẽe kãadem n tar bi-ribla.[1]
A Vɩɩm la bãng-yalengo
tekreA Dandaawa dogame yʋʋmd 1983 tʋʋlg kiuug rasem pii-la yopoe. A yaa Karagã, sẽn yaa tẽng sẽn be Gana kiidã soolmẽ wã[1]. A kẽnga Islam University College, Accra la a paama a Bachelor of Business Administration degree wã sẽn yaa Bankã la Finansã yʋʋmd 2009[1]. A kẽnga Mooncrest University College, Kanda-Accra, n paam a noorã diplôme[1].
tekreDandaawa yaa NDC (National Democratic Congress) ning sullã. Yʋʋmd 2012 wã, a ra yaa a naas-n-soab a naas-naabẽ wã NDC a yoob-n-seambdã pʋɩ-sʋka n na n paam a Karagã zĩiga, la a tõoge.[1]