Suleman Adamu Sanid

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Suleman Adamu Sanid
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Name in native languageSuleman Adamu Sanid Tekre
Given nameSuleiman Tekre
Family nameAdamu Tekre
Date of birth13 Sipaolg kiuugu 1970 Tekre
Zĩ-ninga o rogeWorikambo Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician Tekre
Position heldMember of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atUniversity of Ghana, Central University College Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Candidacy in election2016 Ghanaian general election, 2020 Ghanaian general election Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristian Tekre

Suleman Adamu Sanid (dag roga sɩpaolg kiuug daham piig la tãab daare yʋm 1970) a ya Gana politik ned n leb ya depite m pasd Gana depite rãmb soog sẽn ya ripiblik m pasd a yopoe la nii Gana pʋge, tɩ a ya Ahafo Ano North Consituency m'be Ashanti Region pʋg depite rãmb n be partɩ ning m boond New patriotic party(NPP)

A pipi Yel-manesem n'a Lekolle Suleman ya ned n yit Worikambo tẽng m'be Garu-Tempane District m'be Upper Region Gana pʋge. A paama a WAEC sebre yʋm 1989 la leb tar MBA(Marketing from the Central University in Accra);BA(History), University of Ghana-legon yʋm 1997.

Tʋʋma Suleman dag ya Volta River Authority kasm ning n dag tʋmde n nan gũd tɩb wa yãk kasm paalga.

A Politik Tʋʋma Suleman ya ned m'be NPP partɩ hal n wa paam depite vote yãkre sõr n ya 18,895 ne neba vote sõre fãa n dag ya 37,478, tɩ a vote yãkre sõra bilgri ya wẽnd kob pʋge pis-nu la yembre la bumb n loog ned ning n dag pas m pʋgda wã me paam vote yãkre sõr n ya 14,479, tɩ a vote yãkre sõr me bilgri ya wend kob pʋge vote yãkre a wae la bumb,Gana n dag maan vote yum 2016 pʋge.A tẽnga ramb dag leb yãka lam yʋm 2020 tɩ'a leb yin depite Gana depite rãmb soog m pasd a nii Gana Ripiblik pʋge10Tɩ'a dag leb paam vote yãkre sõr ya 21,581 tɩ ya wẽnd kob pʋge pis-nu la bumb la dag leb paam woto yãkra pʋge me,tɩ ned ning n pʋgda wã m boond Kwasi Adusei n ya NDC partɩ neda me dag paam 19,013, tɩ ya wẽnd kob pʋge vote yãkre pis-naase la naase yãkre la bumb la dag paama.

A Komiti-ramba Suleman la ned m pʋgde'local Government and Rural Development Committee[8]n leb ya ned m be sull ning m boond 'Poverty Reduction Strategy Committee n leb be 'Privileges Committee'

A meng yel-manesem Suleman ya ned n tar pag la kamb a tãabo n leb ya Kris-neda.

A pipi Yel-manesem n'a Lekolle


Suleman ya ned n yit Worikambo tẽng m'be Garu-Tempane District m'be Upper Region Gana pʋge.[1] A paama a WAEC sebre yʋm 1989 la leb tar MBA(Marketing from the Central University in Accra);BA(History), University of Ghana-legon yʋm 1997.[1]



Suleman dag ya Volta River Authority kasm ning n dag tʋmde n nan gũd tɩb wa yãk kasm paalga.[1]

A Politik Tʋʋma


Suleman ya ned m'be NPP[2] partɩ hal n wa paam depite vote yãkre sõr n ya 18,895 ne neba vote sõre fãa n dag ya 37,478, tɩ a vote yãkre sõra bilgri ya wẽnd kob pʋge pis-nu la yembre la bumb n loog ned ning n dag pas m pʋgda wã me paam vote yãkre sõr n ya 14,479, tɩ a vote yãkre sõr me bilgri ya wend kob pʋge vote yãkre a wae la bumb,Gana n dag maan vote yum 2016 pʋge.A tẽnga ramb dag leb yãka lam yʋm 2020 tɩ'a leb yin depite Gana depite rãmb soog m pasd a nii (8) Gana Ripiblik pʋge10[1] Tɩ'a dag leb paam vote yãkre sõr ya 21,581 tɩ ya wẽnd kob pʋge pis-nu la bumb la dag leb paam woto yãkra pʋge me,tɩ ned ning n pʋgda wã m boond Kwasi Adusei n ya NDC partɩ neda me dag paam 19,013, tɩ ya wẽnd kob pʋge vote yãkre pis-naase la naase yãkre la bumb la dag paama.[3]

A Komiti-ramba


Suleman la ned m pʋgde'local Government and Rural Development Committee[4]n leb ya ned m be sull ning m boond 'Poverty Reduction Strategy Committee[5] n leb be 'Privileges Committee'[1][6]

A meng yel-manesem


Suleman ya ned n tar pag la kamb a tãabo[7] n leb ya Kris-neda.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Site bãnde: <ref> tag sẽn pa zems; b pa kõ sõsg n wilg sõss nins sẽn boond tɩ :0 ye