Kiris-ned zak yaa wẽnd-doog sẽn yaa kiris-neb sẽn maand bũmb nins b sẽn maand n waoogd-b Wẽnnaam la b maand bũmb a taab sẽn wilgd tɩ b maand bũmb ninsã.[1]

building type
Subclass ofreligious building, temple, venue Tekre
Facet ofChristian sacral architecture Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre
Significant eventchurch dedication Tekre
Depicted byscale model of church Tekre
Used bychurch congregation Tekre
EntitySchema for this classEntity schema not supported yet (E436) Tekre
Unicode character Tekre
Category for eponymous categoriesCategory:Wikipedia categories named after churches Tekre
Category for the view of the itemCategory:Views of churches Tekre

Wakat ninga, b tũnugda ne gom-biig ning wẽnd-doogã ne gom-vɩɩs la yam-tɩrsem buud toor-toor sẽn yaa tũudum a taabã meegrã wɛɛngẽ. B leb n tũnugda ne wẽnd-doog n bilg kiris-neb tẽedbã sull bɩ tigis-n-taar, tɩ " wẽnd-dooga" yaool n tõe n dat n yeel dũniyã gill zugu.[2]

Kiris-neb sẽn maand wẽnd-doogã me pʋgẽ, b getame tɩ wẽnd-doog sẽn yaa a sẽn naan naan yɩllã yaa kiris-ned kaoreng sẽn yaa a zugu, tɩ b sẽn yã a zugu wã yaa a zug n wilgd a zug n yaa a zug sẽn yaa a zug zugu.[3]

B tõe n kɩtame tɩ b tags yĩngrã. Rũndã-rũndã, wẽnd-dotã tara b sẽn tõe n maan to-to n me b sẽn da naanã.

