Wiigã (Equus ferus caballus)[1] yaa bõn-yũudl sẽn tar nug-yɩɩl a ye. A bee Equidae zakẽ wã, la a yaa Equus ferus buud a yiib sẽn ket n be wã a ye. Yʋʋm milyõ 45 n tãag 55 sẽn looge, wed-moosã yii bõn-naandg sẽn tar nao wʋsg sẽn boond t'a Eohippus n lebg rũnna rũmsã. Nebã sɩnga wed-rãmbã zãab yʋʋmd 4000 sẽn deng a Zezi rogmã, la b tẽedame tɩ b zãabã lebga wʋsg yʋʋmd 3000 sẽn deng a Zezi rogmã. Sãan yaa ne wed-moos nins sẽn be wed-moosã pʋgẽ wã, b maanda wed-moosã tɩ b lebg neb sẽn tõe n vɩɩmd ne-ba. Zĩigã neb pa we-rũmsi, bala b sẽn boond-b tɩ we-rũmsi wã yaa we-rũmsi b sẽn pa tol n zãad ye. B tara gom-biis wʋsg sẽn gomd wed-moosã yelle. B gomda bũmb nins fãa yelle, sẽn sɩng ne b yĩn-wɩsgrã, n tɩ ta b vɩɩmã zĩisẽ, b yalẽ wã, b pɛɛlgã, b makrã, b buudã, b kẽndã la b manesmã.[2]

Subclass ofEquidae, domesticated mammal, milk yielding animal Tekre
Has useequestrianism, draft animal, chariot, horse-drawn vehicle Tekre
Taxon nameEquus ferus caballus Tekre
Taxon ranksubspecies Tekre
Taxon common namecaballu, horse, omid Tekre
Has effectallergy to horses Tekre
Studied inhippology Tekre
Depicted byhorses in art Tekre
Gaithorse gait Tekre
Has characteristicimpulsion Tekre
Used byequestrian Tekre
Useshorseshoe Tekre
Produced soundneigh Tekre
Unicode character🐎, 🐴 Tekre
Category for the view of the itemCategory:Views of horses Tekre

Wiidã minim n zoeeme, tɩ kɩt tɩ b tõe n zãag b mens tao-tao ne b bɛɛbã. Sẽn kẽed ne rat-kãngã sẽn na yɩl n zoe n põs rũm-kɩɩmb sẽn be weoogẽ wã yaa bũmb sẽn pa wae: wed-moos tõe n gõe n yas la b gãe, tɩ wed-moos nins sẽn yaa kom-bɩɩsã nong n gõe wʋsg n yɩɩd nin-kẽembã. 4] Pagb sẽn yaa wed-moosã zãada b kom-bõonegã sẽn zems kiis 11 la wed-moos sẽn yaa kom-bõonegã tõe n yikame n zoe n yaool n dog. Sãnda sã n tar yʋʋm a yiibu, b sɩngda b zãmsgo. B sã n wa tar yʋʋm a nu, b bɩtame, tɩ b vɩɩm kaoosd yʋʋm 25 tɩ ta 30.[3]

B welga wed-moosã zĩis a tãab tɩ zems ne b yalẽ-n-taarã: b yaa "vʋʋsem-woglem dãmba" sẽn tar pãngã, la sẽn tar pãng wʋsgo. Dũniyã gill zugu, wed-moos buud sẽn yɩɩd 300 n be.

Wiisã ne ninsaalbã maanda taab reem buud toor-toore, la reem buud toor-toore, la tʋʋm a taab wala polɩɩs tʋʋmde, koodgo, reem la logtoɛɛmbã. Pĩnd wẽndẽ wã, b ra tũnugda ne wed-moos n zabd zabrẽ, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ b tõog n maan bũmb toor-toore. Sãan yaa ne wed-moosã, b rɩkda b nemdã, b ma wã, b gãongã, b zoobdã, b kõbrã, la b rɩkda tɩ-paal nins b sẽn yiisd pagb nins sẽn tʋtã sãnem pʋgẽ wã. Ninsaalbã kõt wed-moosã rɩɩbo, koom la gãaggo, la b get-b-la sõma.[4]


  1. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/726976
  2. http://www.google.com/books?id=JgAMbNSt8ikC&pg=PA630%E2%80%93631
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20070821235959/http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/iczn/BZNMar2003opinions.htm
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20180122181803/https://www.thespruce.com/learn-how-all-horses-sleep-1887328