Mumuni Alhassan
Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ
Sex or gender | male |
Country of citizenship | Ghana |
Date of birth | 23 Bõn-biuungo kiuugu 1967 |
Languages spoken, written or signed | English |
Occupation | politician, teacher |
Position held | Member of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana |
Educated at | University of Education, Winneba, University of Education, Winneba |
Academic degree | master's degree |
Member of political party | National Democratic Congress |
Religion or worldview | Islam |
A Alhassan Mumuni (roogẽ wã, sigr kiuug rasem pisi-la tâ yʋʋmd 1967) yaa Ghana politik soab la Ghana naan-naab a naas-n-soabã siglgã taoor lʋɩtb sull sẽn yaa a Salaga Kaagma pʋga. A Alhassan Mumuni yaa Ghana parliament wilg tẽnga taoor soab sẽn be Salaga Saabg pʋga n yɩ National Democratic Congress neda.[1][2]
tekreA Mumuni rogame yʋʋmd 1967 sɛt kiuug rasem pisi-la tâ Gbung sẽn be Gana win-rɩtgo tʋʋr pʋga.[3]
tekreA Mumuni kẽnga University of Education, Winneba karẽn-biis karẽn-kẽndre, la a paama karẽn-bɛda karẽn-kɛga kaset.[4]
A Vɩɩma
tekreA Mumuni yaa Musulman, la a kẽe kãadem n tar kamb a yoobe.[5]
tekreA Mumuni yaa NDC (National Democratic Congress) n so. Yʋʋmd 2012 wã, a ra yaa NDC naan-naabẽ wã naaba pʋga, n na n paam n kẽ a Salaga Kaagẽ wã.[5]
Yʋʋmd 2012 Politikã naam yakre
tekreA Mumuni ra yaa Ghanã tẽnga taoor dãmb n yãk a sẽn na n yãk a soab n na n zĩnd Salaga North tẽnga pʋga, la a paama boto 6,772 sẽn yaa boto 62.39% n na n paam n yãk a soabã. A tõoga a Adam Mohammed Kamarudeen sẽn yaa New Patriotic Party wã n paam n yãk b rãmb 3,462 sẽn yaa 31.89% la a IND wã taoor lʋɩtbã a Abdul-Fataw Abdul-Wahab paama b rãmb 621 sẽn yaa 5.72% n yãk b rãmba.[6][7][8]
Yʋʋmd 2016 Politikã naam yakre
tekreA Mumuni leb n paama sor yʋʋmd 2016 Gana tẽnga pʋga, n yɩ tẽnga taoor soab n yãk Salaga Kaagẽ wã. A tõoga b sõor ne b sõor sẽn yaa 6.363 sẽn yaa 52% n kõ sõorã. A paama pʋɩ-tẽnga n yɩɩd a Lucas Alhassan Abilla sẽn yaa New Patriotic Party wã sẽn paam n deeg n deeg n kõ sõor 3.037 sẽn yaa 24.92%, a Abdul-Fataw Abdul-Wahab sẽn yaa PPP wã paama sõor 2.733, sẽn yaa 22.43% la a kongressã taoor lʋɩtb sẽn yaa tẽnga taoor lʋɩtbã sẽn deeg n deeg sõor 52 sẽn yaa 0.43% n kõ sõosã fãa.[9][10]
Yʋʋmd 2020 Politikã naam yakre
tekreA Mumuni leb n lʋɩɩ Ghani wã 2020 sẽn yaa yʋʋm 2020 wã, n na n yãk a Salaga Kaagrã pʋɩ-tẽngã, a sẽn paam n yãk a NDC wã n na n lʋɩ A Alhassan Abdallah Iddi sẽn yaa a New Patriotic Party wã taoore.[11][12][13]
A Tʋʋmde
tekre.Ghana zãmsã tʋʋmde (Tãnd sull yel-gɛt, Salaga tẽn-tẽngã rɩtg 'B' sull)[5]
.DCE (Gonja soolmã sẽn be rɩtg) tʋʋl-nif kiuugu, yʋʋmd 2009 n tâag yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuugu , yʋʋmd 2013[5]
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